What a great way to re-start this blog. We have had a baby in our home and these set of pictures are of those babies. We have not yet named them, suggestions welcome although we do not know their gender however :)
the mother...
The eggs have hatched. It took roughly 2-3 weeks for the egg to hatch. The mother pigeon would sit on the eggs day and night. I have checked at odd hour like 2am and the mother pigeon was there, incubating her eggs.
Another view of the baby pigeons...
One of the baby got hurt when lot of pigeons flew into our balcony one afternoon. It was about 4-5 feet away from its nest and was struggling to get back. the mother was either unable or unwilling to help it. I pushed it inside and it seems to have recovered well as the next photos will indicate...
The babies have become older. They have shed their yellow color and are taking on their normal grey color. They are no longer looking as cute as before...

By this time, the mother pigeon has started to leave the babies alone for quite extended periods...
We had to take the table away, but that does not seem to have affected the babies.
Ready to take on the world! One of the babies appears smaller than the other. I wonder if it is the injured one? Anyways, its almost a month since the eggs were laid. Do not know how long before they will fly out, but should not be more than 8-10 days i would guess. Here's wishing them all the best!